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K1CA Repeater
Sunday 8pm EST
146.85 / Input 146.250
PL 85.4

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Emergency Directed Net

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The New Hampshire Amateur Radio Emergency Service (NHARES) provides emergency communication for state and local government and community service agencies. Currently, NHARES is divided into 12 groups. Each group has an Emergency Coordinator who works with served agencies (such as police, fire, sheriff, search & rescue, and Homeland Security and Emergency Management) to determine how to best meet the need for emergency communications.

The purpose of West Rockingham ARES District is to provide the emergency communications for 15 communities in Rockingham County and support the statewide ARES program.

Agencies served are New Hampshire Department of Safety - Homeland Security and Emergency Management, National Weather Service (NWS), both Taunton, Massachusetts and Gray, Maine and the Manchester Red Cross. The West Rockingham Emergency Coordinator works to understand the needs of these communities and agencies and to organize resources to maintain an adequate level of emergency preparedness.

Western Rockingham County ARES serves the following municipalities.

© West Rockingham County New Hampshire ARES
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